Wrecking the word-count curve for writers everywhere, Nathan Lowell joins Dave and Brion on this Showcase Episode. The eternal writer in quest of a story, Nathan generously shares his insights and experience on such topics as his Golden Age of the Solar Clipper Series, writing trilogies and series, and dealing with discovery. (Don’t miss Nathan’s Workshop Episode)
Showcase Episode: 20 Minutes with Nathan Lowell
Podcast: Download (Duration: 30:32 — 28.0MB)
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Episode Breakdown..
00:48 – Intro
02:05 – In search of my story
03:18 – Being a Binge Pantser
04:20 – Origin of the Solar Clipper
07:00 – 6 books… as a lark
07:33 – Discovering the podcast
10:35 – How do you know you’re writing a book?
11:35 – The Middle is the worst
15:43 – Advice to would-be trilogy authors
18:18 – Pantsers vs. Outliners
19:00 – Young Writers vs. New Writers
22:11 – Nathan’s a Geek!
23:00 – Dealing with Discovery
24:35 – Gored by a rampaging Plotosaurus
26:35 – Do you really throw away a novella of work?
28:30 – Outro
I’m not really that smart.
Thanks for asking questions that make me sound better than I am.
Wouldn’t dream of speaking to your smarts, Nathan… but we CAN speak to our experience of your generosity and the sharing of your experiences and perspectives. You open doors, sir… and THAT is one of the most valuable gifts someone can offer.
Thanks for opening a few for and with us. 😉
Thanks for tracking down these interviews. I’ve learned a lot listening to Nathan and look forward to the rest!
You’re most welcome, Jacci! Glad it’s been useful for you. Keep listening, ’cause there’s even more amazing stuff to come! 😉
The show sounds great, guys. I must admit, as soon as Nathan started talking I was tempted to switch over to Captain’s Share. It’s hard to hear him and not want to be back in his Golden Clipper universe. Don’t worry, I waited till the episode was over till switching over.
Great advice, Nathan. I also don’t write everyday, but I don’t feel bad about it because I make everyday count. Sometimes it’s reading, sometimes podcasting, sometimes editing, but in all of it I’m growing, to steal your phrase “One word at a time.”