Cat Rambo is the whole marvelous multi-hued package… author of over 200 published tales, World Fantasy Award winner for her editorial work at Fantasy Magazine (yeah… THE Fantasy Magazine), educator and mentor in the literary art, tech geek, nerd, RPG aficionado… oh yeah, and the VP of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (Bam). I can’t think of a better way to officially launch the newly reawakened RTP than with this remarkable individual.
Unless it would be to have Moses Siregar (author of “Black God’s War” and frequent contributor to the awesome Adventures in SciFi Publishing podcast, and the equally fabulous Hide and Create podcast) as my guest co-host and wingman. Now THAT would be frickin’ awesome!
Oh… wait…
Yeah we’re kickin’ it off in fine style as Cat, Moses, and I talk about collaborating with yourself, the joys and perils of worldbuilding, the impact of self-publishing on the established authors world, and more (and definitely check out Cat’s Workshop Episode)
PROMO: “Far Lost” serialized novel by John Mierau at ServingWorlds.com
Showcase Episode: 20 Minutes with Cat Rambo
[caution: mature language – listener discretion is advised]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 38:17 — 35.1MB)
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Finding Cat Rambo is a tricky thing…
…because she’s EVERYWHERE!
- Her Website is a fine place to start
- There’s also her Patreon page… support remarkable artists like Cat! Keep the art alive!
- You can definitely check out her book “Creating an Online Presence (Career Building for Writers, Book 1)” and all her literary offerings
- She’s on Twitter @CatRambo
- …and there’s her epic Pinterest boards
Take your pick! 😀
As for Moses’s Kickstarter for his novel “The Ninth Wind”, that’s been pushed back to August, but we’ll make sure we spread the word when the time comes.
Cat is indeed Ubiquitous in Shadow…and a singular badass talent. 🙂
Did you just throw down an Amber reference, Paul?
**fist bump**