If you think talking with Ed Greenwood – New York Times best-selling author of almost 200 books and thousands upon thousands of articles, short stories, game modules, campaign settings and more – is a literary thrill for the senses, wait until you brainstorm with him. The “Archmage” returns to the Big Chair at the Roundtable to lend his potent storytelling mojo to a tale of a race’s cultural heritage betrayed and rewritten.
The tale is offered up by creageous Guest Writer Justin Cary, and is a story of class struggles and cultural purity among the Elvish race and the lengths some will go to preserve their racial legacy. It’s an incredible story feast, make even more delectable by having Alasdair Stuart return as my co-host. With the table set, we tuck in, exploring the possibility of ALL the characters being antagonists, examining the best way to present magic in a story, presenting with character crisis moments, and SO much more. Yeah, it’s a little longer, but you won’t notice. Trust me… click that “PLAY” button and rock the brainstorm (and if you missed the incredible conversation we had during Ed’s 20 Minutes With… recording, then you gotta fix that!)
PROMO: The Voice of Free Planet X podcast
Workshop Episode 86 (Guest Host: Ed Greenwood)
[caution: mature language – listener discretion is advised]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:26:08 — 118.3MB)
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Share your comments to this (or any) episode over at the RTP Forum! Check out this and all our episodes on iTunes and on Stitcher Radio!Ed is launching story nukes into the world…
- A new Forgotten Realms book is soon to be released
- Ed has manifested as “The Avatar of Kickstarter Stretch Goals” and will be fulfilling volumes of awesomeness for all of those.
- There are amazing things going on at The Office of Ed Greenwood! No seriously… the wonders unfolding there will blow your mind.
- His latest project – Onder Librum – is ambitious and inspiring in scope and diversity. FIFTEEN shared story worlds open to one and all. Stories, games, music, cookbooks… seriously. It’s amazing.
- His Amazon Page is a canon of fabulousity and you can always stay in touch with his daily doings on Facebook and Twitter
Alasdair Stuart… find him, read him, savory the words…

- He wrote an adventure for the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space role-playing game (cuz writing adventures is cool)
- He wrote the Tenth Doctor Sourcebook for Cubicle 7 (due out in October)
- Escape Artist’s latest fabulousity, Mothership Zeta, is coming soon, a digital magazine of fiction and non-fiction work (edited by Mighty Mur Lafferty), and it’s only the BEGINNING of the incredible expansions underway at EA
- He’s diving back into fiction, explore new stories like “Space Rescue!” (the exclamation point is a part of the title… really)
- There’s a Kickstarter project looming on the horizon
- His blog is a genuine delight, and you can extend that delight by following him on the Twitters and the Facebooks
- And there’s also THIS bit of literary fabulousity…