Showcase Episode: 20 Minutes with Nathan Lowell
Workshop Episode: Workshop Episode 2
Website/Blog: http://nathanlowell.com
Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/nathan.o.lowell
Nathan Lowell always wanted to be a writer. In 2007, he finally did something about it. Eight books, several short stories, and a novella or two later, he’s now a full time author and award winning podcaster.
In addition to being a full-time author, Nathan holds MA and PhD degrees in Educational Technology. He occasionally teaches graduate school classes.
Be Sure to check out:
“Quarter Share – Trader’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper: Book 1. Start here. If that doesn’t do it for you, stop.” (You can find it here: http://solarclipper.com/get-the-books/)
Favorite Books:
Heinlein: Moon is Harsh Mistress
Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451
Asimov: Foundation series
Herbert: Dune
Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamozov
“Nobody gets paid enough to do it for the money.” –my father.