Showcase Episode: 20 Minutes with P. G. Holyfield
Workshop Episode: Workshop Episode 7 (Guest Host: P. G. Holyfield)
Website/Blog: http://pgholyfield.com
Other Sites: http://specficmedia.com
P.G. Holyfield is the author of the podcast novel and print novel Murder at Avedon Hill. MaAH won the inaugural John W. Polidori Award for Best Vampire Novel of 2010, and won the Silver Medal for Best Fantasy Novel at the 2010 ForeWard BoTY Awards. The MaAH podcast was a 2009 Parsec Awards Finalist for Best Audio Drama, Long Form.
In 2009 P.G. started the Tales of the Children podcast, a short story anthology set in the MaAH fantasy world. In 2010 P.G. started the SpecFicMedia.com website, and currently hosts the Beyond the Wall podcast (a Game of Thrones fancast).
P.G. lives in North Carolina and is working on several writing projects, including a science fiction transmedia project that he hopes to release by the end of 2012.
Works of note…
“An incredible debut by P.G. Holyfield, “Murder at Avedon Hill” blends the best elements of the mystery/thriller genres with a brilliantly realized fantasy setting. While the world of MaAH is remarkable and authentic, the slick mystery elements and memorable characters will keep you turning the pages. Highly recommended.”
– J. C. Hutchins
George R.R. Martin, Stephen R. Donaldson, Katherine Kurtz, Stephen King, Brandon Sanderson, Frank Herbert, Cormac McCarthy, J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, and Jim Butcher
The Lion in Winter, Watchmen, Blade Runner, Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather Part II, The Seven Samurai, L.A. Confidential, A Night at the Opera, 12 Monkeys, Serenity, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Princess Bride, Inception, Boondock Saints, Harry Potter, Memento, Silence Of The Lambs, Alien
“Drama is about lies. Drama is about repression… Drama is about finding previously unsuspecting meaning in chaos, about discovering the truth that had previously been obscured by lies, and about our persistence in accepting lies.” –David Mamet