Big Anklevich and Rish Outfield have been producing amazing full cast audio fiction and even audio dramas for years on the Dunesteef podcast. We’re here to tell ya, that requires a whole different skill set that combines an artist’s eye (and ear), highly technical skills, and gift for translating creative expression from a one format to a radically different one. With mad skills like that, you KNOW we had to get them on the show, and we so glad we did… and you will be, too. (and you gotta check out Big and Rish’s Workshop Episode because… well… it’s awesome)!
PROMO: Dead Robots’ Society (http://deadrobotssociety.com)
Showcase Episode: 20 Minutes with Big Anklevich and Rish Outfield
[caution: mature language – listener discretion is advised]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 30:57 — 28.3MB)
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Episode Breakdown

00:50 – Big and Rish’s Awesomeness
02:50 – Correction: Bryan Lincoln is about WAY more than just Full Cast production, that was Dave having a brain seizure
03:15 – Challenges confronting writers wanting to explore Full Cast/Audio Drama
- 03:45 – Difference between Full Cast and Audio Drama
05:30 – Distinctions in writing for either
- 05:53 – Format differences
- 06:40 – Audio Drama more like a screen play
- 06:50 – Julie Hoverson of 19 Nocturn Blvd (full audio drama scripts)
- 07:38 – All elements of production belong to the writer
- 08:15 – Dialog is the sole means of relaying pertinent information
09:10 – Have either of you written an Audio Drama
- 09:20 – Yeah, but it wasn’t produced (too hard)
11:05 – Shifting from film scripts to audio scripts
- 11:25 – Initially yes, but very few sound effects, building up as episodes progressed
- 12:10 – A lot of narration can be replaced by sound FX
- 12:30 – Dialog tags aren’t necessary either (he said, she screamed, etc)
13:12 – Are writers okay with those minor edits?
- 13:35 – We purchase a story, so we some times have to interpret
- 14:00 – Stories spoken aloud sound different
- 14:25 – One editing pass should be to read it out loud
15:30 – PROMO:Dead Robots’ Society
17:05 – Have submissions started to shift towards more podcast friendly formats?
- 17:30 – Hard to say, but we’ve received several that are perfect
18:30 – How many submissions do you receive to the Dunesteef?
- 18:35 – A fair amount… “Sudden Death” Nicole takes care of submissions
- 18:50 – Submissions currently closed (we have a LOT to catch up on)
- 19:10 – Volunteers and Nicole go through them, only the better ones get forwarded
19:48 – What qualities in a story determine whether you accept it or not?
- 20:10 – It must have a cast
- 20:15 – Actually, it’s the opposite of that
- 21:00 – A story needs to move us in some way
- 21:14 – It started out with “fun” stories, now looking for visceral emational experience
- 21:35 – Something that holds your attention and gets you excited
- 23:35 – Dunesteef format is unique… we run the story and then we talk about it
- 24:10 – Sometimes we see a story is close and we’ll ask for a new draft
26:18 – The best stories are the ones that get us talking together
Finally, an explanation of the difference between full cast and audio drama that actually makes sense!