Tee Morris is a primal force (and we mean that in a good way). I mean holy crap… podcasting pioneer, author of one of the very first podcast novels, co-founder of Podiobooks.com, co-author (with Pip Ballantine) of the ever-growing canon of The Tales of the Ministry (including two novels: Phoenix Rising and The Janus Affair)… and those are just the highlights. Buckle up, friends… it’s going to be a wild ride (and don’t miss Tee’s Workshop Episode!)
PROMO: The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine (http://dunesteef.com/)
Showcase Episode: 20 Minutes with Tee Morris
[caution: mature language – listener discretion is advised]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 36:25 — 33.3MB)
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Episode Breakdown

01:08 Tee’s illustrious achievements
- 03:35 A fire and forget missile
- 03:50 One correction: Case of the Pitchers Pendant not in production
- 04:04 Doubtful if I’ll ever podcast a novel again
- 04:55 And missed “Tales of the Archives”
- 06:20 The J.J. Abrams of podcast fiction
- 06:50 You gotta pick your battles
- 07:40 Recording for Audible.com
10:07 Why Genre Fiction?
- 11:00 I blame Jules Verne and Ian Fleming
- 12:28 Connected with JR Blackwell and Jared Axelrod
- 03:00 Voila… steampunk
- 13:50 Michael Creighton IS a science fiction author, dammit
- 14:06 Go, Stephen King!
- 14:50 Only Steampunk in Goodreads 2011 Choice Awards
15:30 Promo: The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine
16:40 So Steampunk or Fantasy Nothing?
- 17:10 It’s the story that matters
- 17:25 Origins of Bilibub Baddings
- 19:15 It’s me being greedy
- 19:50 Always been a fan of Mike Hammer
- 20:00 Add Warner Brothers cartoons Singing Sword
- 20:57 Mike Hammer via JRR Tolkien
- 21:10 Mashup of Steampunk and Fairy Tales
- 22:14 SciFi and Horror
- 22:40 I’m gonna tell the story… that determines the genre
- 23:55 Don’t sit down to write “a science fiction” story
- 24:05 What matters first is what’s the story you want to tell
- 24:43 Let the story happen first
25:24 How do you keep from loosing what the real story is?
- 25:45 Commit to the story
26:30 Worldbuilding Before Story?
- 26:36 Organically build world around the story
- 26:49 Braaack!
- 27:05 J. K. Rowling
- 28:20 With Mashups, you have to commit to both worlds
- 29:40 Joss Whedon, Mashup Master
- 31:10 An Acting Parable for Writers
Well, listening to Tee’s 20 (or so) Minutes With answered my question of why there hadn’t been a new Shared Desk episode. This is one busy man. It’s lucky he has all that energy. I’m really looking forward to his guest host workshop episode.