The scope and breadth of Marie Brennan‘s experience is pretty remarkable. Anthropology, archaeology, languages, martial arts, role playing games, music, dance… she’s pursued many passions. But the fundamental passion that has endured throughout her life is writing. Author of “A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent“, The Onyx Court Series, and “Lies and Prophecy” (and so much more), she has applied her many passions like facets of a jewel to her storytelling. The result is rich authentic story worlds filled with compelling characters and captivating tales.
PROMO: “Necropolis” by James Silverstein (available Sept 2nd)
Showcase Episode: 20 Minutes with Marie Brennan
[caution: mature language – listener discretion is advised]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 48:17 — 66.4MB)
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Marie is sharing all manner of wonders in the world
- Her website is a treasure trove of insights, free fiction, essays, and more!
- Definitely make the scene at Dice Tales for some sterling explorations of the the storytelling aspects of RPGs
- Check out her Amazon Profile for the full canon of her storytelling creations
- Follow her on Goodreads, and Twitter
Co-Host Marie Bilodeau

- Behold the mayhem of her Website!
- Peruse the wonders of her Amazon Profile and her Goodreads page
- Follow her on Facebook and on Twitter (‘cuz really… she’s pretty awesome)