Kij Johnson explores how to never write the same story twice, the nature of her diverse storytelling voice, how she learned the nuances of plot, and more...
By Dave Robison
Seth Skorkowsky brainstorms a noir tale of blackmail, kidnapping and betrayal from Sean O'Grady
By Dave Robison
Seth explores pulp fiction narratives, weaving story into video presentations, his path as a writer, and more!
By Dave Robison
Mur Lafferty brainstorms a tale of the death and apparent resurrection of a superhero by David "Doc Blue" Wendt.
By Dave Robison
Veteran podcaster and celebrated author Mur Lafferty discusses her NaNoWriMo strategies, her story development process, and more...
By Dave Robison
Beth brainstorms a near future scifi thriller of social media gone horribly wrong.
By Dave Robison
Beth Cato - author of the Clockwork Dagger tales, the Blood of Earth trilogy, and more - explores what makes a "strong character", the magic of urban fantasy/steampunk, and critique readers
By Dave Robison
Cerece workshops a tale of three people struggling to find their true purpose in a world ruled by a fractured god
By Dave Robison
Cerece Rennie Murphy - creator fo the Narazu Media Portal, author of The Order of the Seers trilogy, "To Find You", and more - explores worldbuilding, her discoveries in fandom, how she develops her stories, and more.
By Dave Robison
Alyc brainstorms a tale of priests of a slain god
By Dave Robison
Author Alyc Helms explores the patterns of storytelling, cultural appropriation, the distinction between gaming and literary narratives, and more!
By Dave Robison
James brainstorms a tale of post-apocalyptic rock and roll
By Dave Robison
James Sutter (Executive Editor at Paizo Publishing) explores the craft of storytelling in RPGs, documenting story worlds, choosing your inspirations, and more!
By Dave Robison
Discussing the transition from "Roundtable Podcast" to "ARCHIVOS: Brainstorms"
By Dave Robison
This will be the third Tuesday that’s blown by with no new RTP, so clearly it’s time to explain what’s…
By Dave Robison
Myke Cole returns to lend his brainstorming-fu to a tale of future warfare, powered armor, and artificial intelligence.
By Dave Robison
Myke Cole discusses Shadow Ops (trilogy one AND two), his grim dark medieval fantasy series coming from, his negotiations for a non-fiction book on ancient military history, and more!