It’s been quiet around here for a couple weeks. Thanks for your patience as I try to get my bearings in a world that has changed dramatically for me. I wish I had better news to share…
My mother has been diagnosed with cancer. The doctors have conducted many tests and they say it’s very advanced… it’s treatable, but not curable.
I’m still wrapping my head around what that means and it’s introduced a lot of questions and uncertainty into my world. One thing I CAN be certain of, however, is that my priorities (at least for the foreseeable future) are changing dramatically.
With that in mind, I’ve decided to suspend production and distribution of The Roundtable Podcast until further notice. If we had an interview or recording scheduled, please consider it cancelled, with my sincere apologies.
Apologies? Really?
I can already hear many of you admonishing me that I have nothing to apologize for and, while I appreciate that thought, the fact is I’m breaking promises.
See, we have a contract, you and I… an agreement that started the first time you heard an episode and decided you liked it. The contract reads, “If you keep listening to episodes, I’ll keep creating them.” That’s kind of the essence of this whole listener/podcaster relationship, right?
But even deeper than that is the idea of the Roundtable Podcast itself. Writers – one eager and willing to learn more about the craft, the other a veteran eager to share what they know – getting together for some creative brainstorming… that idea has been with me for a long time. I’m a fervent advocate of creative collaboration and the spirit of community in the context of the arts and I feel that the Roundtable Podcast fosters that, opening new connections and opportunities for participants and listeners.
I don’t want to shut that down, but I don’t want to do half-ass job of it, either, y’know? Something this important (to me, at least) deserves my full attention and I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to give that for at least the next several months.
Indefinite Hiatus
I’m invoking “indefinite hiatus”, which is kind of like hitting the “Pause” button on the playback while you answer a call. The song is still there and when you’re done with the call, you can hit “Play” again. Or skip to the next song. Or just turn it off and take a walk. Lots of possibilities…
I want to thank you in advance for your support and understanding. Looking ahead I see a lot of unknowns, but looking back I see an amazing array of new friends and allies, and some truly remarkable experiences that have transformed the way I see the world. For those astonishing gifts, I am forever grateful.
That sounds like I’m saying “good-bye”, and I’m not. At least, I don’t THINK I am. I think of it like the end of one of those big family holidays when everyone has to go home. We stand at the door and try to convey in a few words how awesome it was to be together as if we aren’t going to see each other again.
But we will… ‘cause we’re family. And family is important… we always find a way to get together again. It might be in a different place in a different way, but those vital life-affirming paths always find a way to cross.
I’ll end this with a phrase that has been commanding my attention in recent weeks. It can be interpreted many different ways but ultimately ‘hope’ is what I’m going for:
It’s not forever… it’s just for now.
Dave, I’m so sorry and will pray for you and your mom. No one ever says at the end of their life “I wish I’d spent more time at work.” Good choice man! Jacci
I’m so sorry to hear this Dave. I wish the best for you and your family.
Oh Dave, I am so so sorry! You take as much time as you need and just know that we will all be here, waiting for you when you come back!
Best wishes and prayers!
My heart goes out to you and your family. May you be surrounded by those who love and cherish you at this hour and during the hours ahead.
I look forward to when the road brings you back around to meet each other again.
Dave, I’m sorry this fantastic podcast has to go on hold but I’m confident you are making the right decision. Your determination not to string it along “half-assed” is consistent with the thoughtful, classy approach you take to all your work.
My turn as guest writer was the highlight of my 2012. Thanks for that. Blessings on you and your mom.
-Fred Himebaugh
I’m so sorry and yes I will add your mom and you to my prayers. I’m a newbie but I’m sure we can all wait. Family is first. Take care.
Sad to hear both about your mother – sad about the Roundtable as well, but you’ve got your priorities straight. Best wishes and boundless strength to your family!
I’m so sorry to hear that – take whatever time you need and don’t forget that this family here is also there for you if you need someone not blood-related to talk to or just vent or be distracted.
You are in our thoughts and don’t worry about the podcast, we aren’t going anywhere.
You’ve made the right call, man. Sorry about the news.
Take care.
Thanks for letting us know what is going on, Dave. Take care of your mom.
Best of everything to you and your family.
Dave, your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. You’re a talented guy and I look forward to seeing your work in the future.
Thoughts and prayers to your family, Dave. I have enjoyed every episode of the podcast I’ve listened to. Take care, and I will be here when you get back.
Much love and strength to you and yours, Dave. We will be here, and we’ll be patient. If anything, it will make that literary gold all the more precious.
Dear Dave,
The thing about families and communities is that when bad things happen (as will inevitably happen from time to time) they are there for each other; they understand and pull together. So your response to your mom’s health situation is completely understandable. Just know that those of us that are part of your creative family and this community are here for you too. Anything you need, just ask.
You and your family will be in our thoughts while we patiently await your return.
No worries, brother. Be with her now. The rest will sort itself.
I’m so terribly sorry to hear about your mom’s diagnosis. My grandmother has been going through cancer treatment for the past year, and it has been very challenging for the family. I wish no one had to go through anything like cancer. I’m sending all the positive happy healthy healing vibes her/your way. Take care, friend.
I join everyone in saying that my thoughts go to you and yours.
You’re proving again what a gentleman you are and what a good soul you have.
We’ll be there for you.
Best wishes during this rough time. My father was diagnosed with cancer last year, and I’m all too familiar with the feelings of loss and helplessness evoked by this. Do what you need to do, and know that you’ve got a huge network of friends and fans waiting here with love and support when you return.
Hang in there Dave. As one who podfade and came back (and then faded again) I assure you, no one will forget the great work you’ve done. All the best to you and yours.
That’s all too bad, man. Like everyone else in this community you’ve created, we’ll be here when you’re ready to come back.
All my best to you and yours, Dave.
Been down that road Dave and my heart is breaking for you and your whole family. We will all manage just fine while you take care of your mom…and don’t forget about yourself either! Sending much love.
Wishing all good things for you and your family. And like many others have said, no worries…we’ll be here when you return.
Dave, I’m very sorry to hear what’s happened. Having been in a similar situation (my mother was diagnosed with an ultimately incurable cancer back in the 90’s) I can tell you that you’ve done absolutely the right thing. Family comes first! Focus on what’s important and take all the time you need. And no matter how much time passes, whenever you decide you’re ready to crank out the auditory awesomeness once again, we’ll be ready to hear it.
I am saddened by the news, and I join you in your hope for your mother. Solidarity brother!
I’m so sorry, Dave. Thinking of you and your mom. Try not to feel bad about the podcast. Your listeners understand and will be there when you’re ready to start up again.
Take care,
You don’t know me, but I still wanted to pass along best wishes to you and your mom, Dave.
I’ve been listening to the podcast for a while and I feel like I’ve been hanging out in your living room for the last few months, so now I have the strangest feeling that I have all manner of philosophical nonsense to lay on you. But none of it means shit when confronted with a fucker like cancer hitting a loved one.
Be with her as best you can. Don’t treat her like she has become the disease that afflicts her – she’s still your mom. Your family has been cursed in knowing that the date is coming, but you’ve also been blessed in knowing that you still have time left. Enjoy that time with her, as best you can. Don’t forget to laugh.
I hope it goes as well as these things can go.
(As far as the podcast goes, I think you could take a year off and I still wouldn’t catch up…)
Be well.
Family takes absolute precedence over podcasting. I love your work and recognize why you wouldn’t want to half-ass it. Whenever you’re ready to come back, I’ll be happy to listen. But for now, best wishes and prayers to your mother on a full and expedient treatment.
So sorry to hear this news, Dave. You and your family are in my prayers.
Your podcast has blessed me as a listener. Now you get to bless your mom. Everyone commenting above me is right. Your priorities are in order. No need to apologize to us.
Take care, Bria
I’m so sorry, Dave. Of course you need to focus on your mom and family! I’ve enjoyed the podcast enormously and when you return, I’ll be listening. Best wishes to you and your family.
Thoughts are with you and your mother. Enjoy your time with her.
We love you, bro. Thoughts go out to your family and we will be praying and wishing all the very best through her treatment. Undergoing treatment is rough – I have watched enough family and friends go through it to respect completely your decision to hit pause.
If there is anything I can do, let me know.
Wishing you the best, all thoughts in a positive manner.
We’ll be here when you get back. 🙂 Hope everything is going well. Just shout out if any of us in the podosphere can lend a hand.
Dave, all my prayers to you and your mother. It’s a long cycle of treatment and waiting. I hope you and your mom have something to keep your energy up. My own mother had four treatment cycles during her life from the early 90’s to 2008. It never gets any easier.
I only recently discovered this podcast, and have been avidly listening to them. Take all the time you need, Dave. I know I’ll still be here, waiting, when you come back.
Hey Gary! Thank you, man… both for the affirmation of the podcast and for your understanding. Right now, I’m just dealing with what’s in front of me, but never fear… on down the road, the Roundtable shall return! 🙂
I had no idea how to approach this befooe-nrw I’m locked and loaded.
(I’m very late but…) I’m so very sorry! Yes we do miss you and the podcast but family is more important. I hope all goes well I lost my mother to breast cancer enjoy your time with her!