Tales around a fire. That’s how it started… the oral tradition, the first way knowledge was stored and transmitted.
Thousands of years later, we’ve rediscovered the power and presence of the human voice in the telling of new tales. Digital technology has made the recording and delivery of high-quality audio narration both convenient and affordable. Now storytellers everywhere are lifting their words from the page (or pixel) and breathing new life into their tales through audio fiction podcasts and audiobooks.
Translating a written tale into an audio presentation has unique rewards and challenges… and that’s the terrain we set out explore on this Roundtable Dialogue episode.
Joining me is Uvi Poznansky, Tom Barczak, Walter Rhein, and Janet and Chris Morris, a panel of astonishing artists and storytellers who have expressed their tales beautifully in both formats. Together, we set out to examine this old/new art form, sharing observations and insights to better understand the new oral tradition.
The Roundtable Dialogues #3: Audiobooks, The New Oral Tradition
[caution: mature language – listener discretion is advised]
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:10:35 — 64.6MB)
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Check out this and all our episodes on iTunes and on Stitcher Radio!

- Twitter: Janet – @uvmchristine, Chris – @Tailertoo
- Perseid Press Website: www.theperseidpress.com
- On Facebook: facebook.com/JanetMorrisandChrisMorris
- Check out their offerings on their Amazon page

- Twitter: @UviPoznansky
- Her Website: uviart.blogspot.com
- On Facebook: www.facebook.com/uviart
- Find her on Google+
- Peruse her Amazon page

- Twitter: @barczaktom
- His Website: www.tombarczak.com
- On Facebook: www.facebook.com/thomas.barczak
- Take a stroll through his Amazon page

- Twitter: @swordreaver
- His blog: Heroic Fantasy Writers (and check out the Facebook Group, too!)
- On Facebook: www.facebook.com/wrhein
- Examine the treasures at his Amazon page
Thanks for having me, this was a ton of fun!
It was a pleasure, Walter!
I’d love to have you back for future explorations. You have this marvelous “Indiana Jones meets Ernest Hemingway” vibe about you that leads to some fabulous backroads of discussion and discovery.
Would welcome the chance to walk those roads with you again. 🙂
Those are some big names to keep company with! When my book about Peru gets released (it should be ready in a couple months), I’ll make sure you’ll get a copy. I’ll have plenty to discuss with that book and it would be an honor to appear on your program again!