Jake Bible

Workshop Episode 94 (Guest Host: Jake Bible)

Jake Bible – author of “Reign of Four: I”, “Dead Team Alpha”, and so much more – returns to the Big Chair at the Roundtable to lend his brainstorming mojo (literally) to workshopping a tale of zombies as you’ve never. seen them before.

The tale is offered up by Guest Writer (and fellow Onder Librum creator) AJ Hare, a story of college life, fast/slow brilliant zombies, and the challenges of overcoming the world’s expectations of you. Joined once again by co-host and author Suzzane Church, we delve into AJ’s twisted world of slackers, frat boys, and diabolical zombies, in search of sweet sweet brains… I mean, gold! Literary Gold! Which, of course, we find. The creative mayhem begins as soon as you hit that “PLAY” button!

20 Minutes with Jake Bible

Jake Bible writes to entertain his readers. Judging by his readership and the sheer size and scope of his canon, he’s damned good at it. He’s written more books in the last 5 years, than many authors write in a life time (including “” and “”) and exemplifies the discipline and commitment to his craft that paves the way for a truly unique authorial voice in multiple genres for broad spectrum of readers.

My co-host is fellow Onder Librum creative and spec fic author Suzzane Church, author of “Elements” and a vast canon of short fiction that has appeared in numerous “Years Best” anthologies. Together, Suzzane and settle in for a marvelous 20(ish) minutes of writer discourse with Jake, exploring his notions of pulp fiction, the art of the mashup, his writing process, and more. There’s writerly goodness awaiting right on the other side of that “PLAY” button friends… click it!